caused by rust we got a new truck. After sorting out some clutch probs with a nearby specialist we threw the luggage into it and started to Italy. The same, just Green...)

Liguria - huge amount of salt - not used and left from winter

Many trucks in the mountainside

Closed roof due to foul weather conditions

Sardinia - new"murales"

During winter/spring there was a lot of rain. So, that green with so many flowers we haven't seen the area many years ago in the middle of May - not in June.

Old mining site - museum closed.

Genna Silana - Ogliastra, eastern coastline of Sardinia

for our military-addicted members

Golgo-Plateau near Baunei

another green one

More than last year...

Foresta demaniale di Montarbu - between Seui and Lago Alto del Flumendosa

"Corpo Forestale"

Our guest this year. Sadly, she went very ill (catflu) and I think she died - being pregnant...

Arbatax - Borgo marinaro 2018
Large Fiesta with food served by inhabitants against a little fee...

Capo Bellavista - Arbatax

Changing places from eastern coastline to western coastline

At Lago Is Barrocus

near Santa Catarina

Santuario Diocesano Santa Mariaquas near Sardara
Old church built nearby an ancient holy well/fountain

Between Collinas and Villanovaferru

Panda atVillanovuferru

These paintings about Pinocchio had been vandalised Link to pressand an artist - Antonio Russo - is sorting it out. Nice guy, invited us to his workshop for a little chat and look to his sculptures and paintings.

Giara de Siddi


Beach of peninsula Sinis

Cabras, Museum

Bronzeage figures

"Gigante de Monte Prama"

Peninsula Sinis

No coming through either here...

...nor there. A golf-court.

beach, Tharros


Church San Giovanni deSinis (6.-7. century)

Old unused Ex-SS131 between Bauladu and Paulilatino


Bar at Piazza Indipendenza - really good food there

Here the meet of a Vespa club is prepared

Bortigali - narrowest streets

Badde Salighes - Villa Piercy
An Englishmen who took part in building the railroad as an engineer had been paid partly with land. His garden with rare trees and other plants from abroad can now be visited - sadly only by prenotation...


San Leonardo

with "holy" water from the seven fountains - Siete Fuentes I declare your name is from now on "Gigante" - Giant.

Monte Ferru

Meat from "Bue Rosso" a local cow


Fiesta of Saint Antonius

Via Fontanedda along Riu de Mare Foghe near Zeddiani - a little bit scratchy...

Torre del Pozzo

The water ruins the sandstone

photographer and camera went wet

View from restaurant at Camping Nurapolis

Rain rain rain

Golfo Aranci
