Hi Stretch
This may be a European thing, - its certainly big here in France.
If you type in "E85 ethanol conversion kit" on ebay you'll get a list of converters. For the V6 its about 150 pounds, for a standard 4 cylinder its about 100 pounds.
All the converters are coming from France or Finland at the moment - however if there's no E85 in the UK they wont help anyone save on fuel.
Essentially, E85 is an 85 per cent ethanol, 15 per cent petrol mix. Ethanol has a high water content which is actually good for the combustion in the engine and reduces carbon build-up.
The ethanol is distilled from sugars, such as those contained in sugar cane or sugar beet, so there's the inevitable moral question of turning food into fuel for rich nations whilst the poorer nations starve. However, its been suggested that the drive to provide cheap renewable fuel is so high that as a spin-off techniques will be developed that can be used by poorer countries to substantially increase their production of high sugar crops which an be used to better feed their populations. Rich nations have, however, been buying-up large areas of agricultural land in poorer countries so there's probably skulduggery afoot. - perhaps its time to take a couple of aspirin and lie down in a cool dark room and concentrate of fuel economy for the thirsty fronty!